Helping people develop financial capability

At Nusenda Credit Union, we believe that financial capability is about having the skills, knowledge, confidence, and opportunity to effectively manage money and resources. We are committed to creating educational programs and curriculum that help New Mexicans propel their financial well-being.

967 students have completed

A dual credit, college credit, or APS personal financial literacy course sponsored and taught by Nusenda since 2015

106 students completed

A dual credit or college credit course sponsored by Nusenda in 2023

8,512 students, teachers, and administrators

In K – college participated in financial literacy presentations led by Nusenda in 2023

240 high school students

Have been hired as Nusenda interns since 2004

Boost financial capability in your community

The Financial Capability Department is comprised of PreK to college educators, and industry educators who provide direct community impact through financial well-being, capability, and education initiatives. Supporting our community, we work with state and national financial education organizations, K- college systems, and local community organizations.  We also train team members to provide impactful learning opportunities for students, community organizations and Select Employer Groups (SEGs).

Financial capability education must be:

  • Customizable – it must be helpful and relevant to people in a variety of financial situations
  • Appropriate – it must be mindful of various characteristics, including age, culture, and environmental factors
  • Impactful – it must empower people to make a difference and take positive steps towards a bright financial future

Explore our financial capability programs

Dual Credit Programs and Internships


Nusenda partners with local community colleges and school districts to provide dual credit programming. After completing the course, high school students are eligible to apply for the Nusenda Internship, earning college credit through experiential learning.

Financial Education Innovators Program


Nusenda Credit Union is excited to provide the Financial Education Innovation Award to elevate educators and programs that prioritize financial capability.

NMSU Financial Capability Center


The Nusenda Center for Financial Capability is a financial outreach and educational program resource devoted to assisting NMSU students on their journey toward becoming financially successful.

UNM Center for Financial Capability


The Center for Financial Capability (CFC) is a financial outreach and educational program powered by the University of New Mexico and Nusenda Credit Union as partners in education. The main goal is to make sure student walk out of UNM with as little debt as possible.